Don’t Commit Suicide!


Seven Reasons

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)

Most people however unhappy they are, prefer life to death. However there are some who have reached the stage where they even prefer death to life. Maybe you are at this point. But even then life is not something to be terrified of, as the Apostle Paul says. Not for Christians. And for non-Christians death is worse. Here are seven reasons for you to consider:

  1. 1. Life is precious
    Value your life! You are not a highly developed monkey but an immortal being made in the image of God. So one human life is worth more than the entire world. You are precious. You are special. Your purpose down here is to get to know God who made you.

  2. 2. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
    "A tree lies where it falls". You can't change your mind. One always regrets a bad decision, and suicide is a very bad one.

  3. 3. The decision to commit suicide is often made hurriedly and emotionally
    Maybe you're disappointed at something in your life, maybe you are bullied at school, maybe you have an incurable disease, maybe you've lost a lot of money or disgraced yourself in some way. You are only seeing part of the picture. Wait! O, please don't do anything rash!

  4. 4. Suicide is not a loving thing to do
    Your family, workmates, school friends will all live a life of pain and regret. If you have any feelings for them DON'T DO IT! Maybe you don't care for those close to you. Maybe this is even your way of exacting revenge. One thing is certain: if you take your life, other people will be tempted to copy you. In Japan now, many children, some with quite minor problems are killing themselves. Why? They are copying others who have done it.

  5. 5. It is jumping from the frying pan into the fire
    Whatever suffering you have now, it cannot compare to the pain, darkness, despair and loneliness of the fires of hell. Even though you may not believe the Bible, can you prove it is not true? Don't risk going to such an awful place.

  6. 6. It's a sin
    In God's eyes suicide is murder as much as if you'd taken a knife and killed the person next to you. It renders you guilty before God and shameful before men.

  7. 7.There's a better way
    Jesus told the story of a young man who had failed. He had failed his family, failed in business and failed morally and religiously. He had disappointed everyone and failed to find the happiness he selfishly looked for. So he went back to his father asking to be accepted back not as a son but as hired servant. His father ran embraced him, welcomed him and accepted him back as a son. So will God welcome you if you repent and turn to him through Jesus Christ. Do this! Do it now without delay... Jesus says "he that comes to me I will in never cast out." (John 6:37). What a promise for you! Cling to it. Turn to Him now and ask Him to receive and accept you.

"Do yourself no harm!"