1. Rod and Glenda have been working with OMF International in Japan since 1987. We are outside the church in Sendai. This used to be a cake shop and we have been renting it since  Oct 2005


2. We praise God for this place. It is visible, easy to find, accessible for nonChristians and has sufficient parking. However it would be good if we could get our own land and building.


3. We get about 30 adults to the morning service


4. Sometimes it is a squash but you can see it is bright and airy


5. We start off with choruses led by a guitarist or a...


6. group of singers. Some of these young people have now moved on


7. Then we have a bible story for the children led by a team of 4-5 Sunday school teachers


8. After this the children move to a corner of the church where Glenda looks after them and keeps them busy with a craft and revising the lesson.


9. After the service we have a time of fellowship, where people can pray for each each other and get to know each other.


10-11.  twice a month we have a meal together which we hope increases the care members have for each other.

This couple eventually got married.


12. In the week we will have bible studies with groups or individuals, prayer meetings,


13 and Glenda will take the womens meeting


14 Once a week we also try to have a cottage meeting in one of several outlying towns in south Miyagi


15-16. This is a Ôboiled potato meetingÕ which is traditional outside picnic in NE Japan in autumn. Some of the guys got together and organised it


17. Once a month we have a mens breakfast, to which japanese and expats come.


18 the church barbecue (braai) is well attended but the kind of meat is limited! All these events are geared to evangelism


19 this is a young peoples camp which we hold periodically near the sea.


20. The couple on the right got married and have returned to his home in US.  The guy in the centre has got married and joined his wife in another church. We call this marriage attrition. The girl on the left has got married to an American but is still with us. The guy on the left is studying theology in New Zealand


21. This couple met in the church and we conducted their engagement ceremony and..


22 many non-Christian relatives attended.


23 It was a great opportunity to share the gospel with family and some of them have attended since then.


24 A team from New Zealand came last Christmas and performed a concert...


25 during which they mixed with guests and shared the gospel


26 Young people preparing for the gospel singing on Sunday.


27 When a teenager Yoshida became depressed when he had to give up baseball. He withdrew to his room, refused to go to school and didnÕt come out for months. Thinking that he might enjoy US better he went as an exchange student only to become even more depressed. After he tried to commit suicide a Christian visited him and led him to the Lord. Now he goes around churches sharing his testimony in song


28 Baptisms are important in Japan. The public sign of baptism signifies forgiveness of sins and being brought into Christ.


29 It is an opportunity to invite friends to hear your testimony and meet your new friends in church.


30 This old lady made a profession of faith and loves the Lord

31-37 Last year four people were baptised in the nearby river. Christians are only baptised after completing a course in doctrine and the Christian life and after being integrated into the church. It is a great joy to see these new believers continuing with the Lord. The conversion of one Japanese is strategic advance for the kingdom of God.


38 Please pray Mr Nakamura. His wife is a faithful believer. But his 80 year-old mother has forbidden him to attend services because he is her eldest son and wouldnÕt attend to her worship in the Buddhist altar if he became a Christian


39 Pray for the children that they will have a sincere faith and keep going through their teenage years


40 The Lovestrands have been with us for about a year and are great help. They will take over for the year when we are on home assignment. He is american and she is Japanese and expecting on 17th Oct.


41 A Japanese pastor burning Buddhist altars that have been given up by recent converts to Jesus Christ.


42. Pray for:

1.         Many people to believe in Jesus

This is the most important need. Christians are less that 0.5 % in this city

2.         The church to become strong, independent and fruitful

That it will be strong- that the Christians will be well-taught, joyful, good witnesses and united

That it will be independent - that God will raise up leaders from within our church as well as from outside and send them into ministry

That it will be fruitful - that this church will not just grow but that it will plant other churches in southern Miyagi

3.         Us to be able to continue in ministry

God has kept us in ministry for 21 years and has given us good health. So far too the Lord has provided for us but OMF has told us that if our support falls below 50% we cannot continue. Last year it was 53%.


43 Come and join us!

Many come for short term missions for a year or two. Not just young people but retired people come and help out in this way. Or come fulltime like us. We have never regreted this and count it an immense privilege to work here.